Fibaro Home Center - Holiday Mode

Fibaro Home Center – Holiday Mode

In this blog we will show you how to create a “Holiday Mode” for your Fibaro Home Center. This will allow you to easily activate and deactivate “Holiday” scenes that turn lights on / off at scheduled times, perfect for when you go away on holiday and you would like it to appear someone is still at home.

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Fibaro home appliance monitoring

Fibaro home appliance monitoring

One of the many advantages of Z-Wave is the ability to monitor energy consumption of appliances and devices connected to Z-Wave power modules. In this blog I will show you a scenario where energy consumption monitoring can help create a very intelligent smart home.

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20 fun things to ask your Amazon Echo

20 fun things to ask Amazon Alexa

If you don’t know what an Amazon Echo Dot is, allow me to introduce you to the hottest gadget on planet earth right now. I thought it would be fun to take a look at some of the more ‘entertaining’ features of the Amazon Echo Dot. Try asking Alexa the following 20 questions next time you have your mates over!

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