
automationBridge – Voice Assistant Speed Test

automationBridge - Voice Assistant Speed Test

Speed up (or add) your voice assistant with Z-Wave hubs

We’ve seen a boom of automation products hit the shelves over these past few years. Voice assistants such as Google Home, Apple HomeKit (Siri) and Amazon Alexa are smartening up more homes each day… and Z-Wave controllers such as Fibaro’s Home Center and Vera’s Plus & Edge are paving the way for convenient and powerful smart home control.

However, there can be a huge variance in the speed of the various voice assistants when working “natively” with Z-Wave hubs (and some simply do not work at all). In this blog, we will show you how to dramatically increase the responsiveness (or add support) for your voice assistant platform of choice by combining a clever little device called AutomationBridge with your Z-Wave Gateway Controller.

Seconds matter!

AutomationBridge significantly increases the responsiveness of connected voice assistants. You would be surprised what a difference 3 or 4 seconds can make… Imagine walking into a room and asking Alexa to turn on a light and waiting 4 seconds for it to actually happen (you will most likely already have tripped over the coffee table by the time the light comes on).

Check out the video below to see an example of the speed difference automationBridge brings to your Fibaro Home Center voice control.

In closing

If you want to remove speed and compatibility issues resulting from native voice-assistant integration and boost the performance of your Z-Wave system, consider the one device that connects them all. With AutomationBridge, any voice-assistant will play nice with your Fibaro or Vera controller.

If you have any thoughts, comments or questions, leave a comment below! We look forward to hearing them 🙂

And if you are already using an automationBridge, we’d love to hear about your experience, so drop a comment below.

All the best.


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